If you have nothing to do, life seems boring and gray, beat the blues and spleen - welcome to FanFild. Here you will always find some interesting events that shake you and banish depression.• apply for and participate in the most abrupt and grand events of the city.• Organize guided tours and hikes in friendly company.• Plan your weekends and holidays - FunField allows you to view and create events for the month ahead.• Collect your favorite people on the paid services for group discounts.• Invent original free event to find new friends. For example, a football match, a trip on a fishing trip, the joint preparation of various dishes.• Selecting an event is always yours: paid or free; active or passive recreation, a trip or trips, and much more that previously could not even come to mind.• Application FunField limited only by the imagination and the Criminal Code.There is no time to be bored. Only live communication only hardcore!FanFild - created for the joy of life together ...